Thursday, 8 September 2011

Social Mind Network

Facebook,Twitter,Mxit,BBM.......all the international social networking heavyweights.They may have one thing in common in case of having millions of users with active users 24 hours a day 7 days a week,but there is one common thing with users when they chat.....they never open their mouths when they do

Sure,if you're reading this you may think:"Duh,that's obvious dawg," or whatever,but one of the things I like about myself is I'm very observant & I like writing down my observations on paper after a thorough analysis of whatever I have been observing

One of the things I love about online chats on social networks is that it is all a mind conversation.All conversations that take place are all in the mind.The conversations are all not physical,but mental

How often do you often laugh out loud each time you write the word:"Lol."Not even often,right?I thought so.The only time you actually laugh out loud is when you write the acronym:"LMAO" which stands for laughing my a** off,which you are not really doing.During that time that is when you are actually laughing out loud.Even a simple hahaha suggets that you're having a light laugh,but all in your head

How often do you really blush everytime you write the word:"ncooh" when chatting?Yes,you may do it often but for most of it you may just think whatever being said is a ncooh idea or it's very sweet,but sometimes it doesn't really make you literally blush

Yes,each time you go "WTF???!!!" you do have those moments when you show a weird or disgusted face,but how often?All it is your minf telling you that whatever the person you're chatting with told you is absolutely absurd,but you don't often find yourself shouting out:"WHAT THE F*#K???!!!"

How many times do you actually shout out each word you're typing when chatting?You never do that,right?Thought so,otherwise the people around you will think you're just plain crazy

Very often when you're talking to someone,generally a friend,family or someone you know or don't know,during the conversation you cannot pause & think about how you're going to react to the statement or question made by the person you're speaking with.If you do so,they may think you're stupid or not interested in the conversation.However, when chatting on social networks,you are given time to think about a response which proves that you're having the conversation by using your mind & not your mouth which also makes the conversation less spontaneous

For the majority of the time chatting wth someone,you do it with a straight face without any facial expressions or hand gestures.So,with all these examples & statements,it is safe to say that social networks should rather be referred to as social mind networks

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